Scientific Conferences and Scientific seminars

University’s Conference: Innovating Training Program of Human Resources Major at Thuongmai University

On the morning of September 24, 2021, the conference was successfully held offline at Meeting Room No. 2, Building I, Thuongmai University and online via Trans.
Attending the conference, on behalf of Thuongmai University, there were Prof/A. Dr. Bùi Hữu Đức, Secretary of Party Committee, Chairman of the University’s Council; Prof/A. Dr. Nguyễn Hoàng, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, President; Prof/A. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Bích Loan, Vice President; Prof/A. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Minh Nhàn, Dean of Faculty of Human Resources and the Faculty’s staff; heads of faculties and centres. Visitors included Dr. Nguyễn Đức Thuận, Deputy Standing President of Vietnam Association of Corporate Directors, President of Long Biên Group; Nguyễn Thị Nam Phương, MA., Vice President of the Human Resources Association, Deputy General Director of OCD Management Consulting Company; Mr. Vũ Việt Dũng, President of Keyperson Joint; Mrs. Lê Bích Ngọc, Head of Recruitment Unit, FPT Telecommunication Joint Stock Company; Đoàn Văn Tình, MA. – Deputy Dean of Faculty of Human Resources Management, Hanoi University of Home Affairs; and Mrs. Phan Thị Hạ, member of the Executive Board of Giao hang tiet kiem JSC. among over 120 other visitors who are researchers and lecturers of universities, employers, representatives of career associations, former students and existing students of Faculty of Human Resources.     
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Opening the conference, Prof/A. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Minh Nhàn, Dean of Faculty of Human Resources delivered the opening speech and the conference introduction report. The report states that the innovation in training and education has created new requirements to training programs at all levels in Vietnam’s national education system. As a major training faculty that plays an important role in administering graduate and post-graduate human resources training with a view to maintain high quality and meet the national standard, Faculty of Human Resources always focuses on improving and completing the training circular at all levels to better meet the society’s demand, thus realizing the Faculty’s educational philosophy that is to make students managers of human resources with systematic, comprehensive, responsible, practical and integrating thinking. The conference was organized with an aim to promote scientific research, improve the quality of training programs, and suggest solutions to training program innovation.  
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Prof/A. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Minh Nhàn, Dean of Faculty of Human Resources delivering the opening speech and the conference introduction report
On behalf of Thuongmai University, Prof/A. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Bích Loan, Vice President, gave a welcoming speech, in which she acknowledged the efforts of Faculty of Human Resources in preparing and organizing the conference, thanked the researchers for submitting articles and the conference participants, and stated that the University always considers training program innovation as a priority. She also found the suggestions from the participants significant to the Faculty and the University. 
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Prof/A. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Bích Loan, Vice President giving a speech at the conference
Chaired by Prof/A. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Minh Nhàn Prof/A. Dr. Phạm Công Đoàn, the conference listened 4 presentations and several opinions of 3 topics as follow:
Topic 1: Overview of the training program of human resources and requirements
(1) Prof/A. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Minh Nhàn made a summary of the training program of human resources in the presentation titled “A talk on the university training program of human resources at Thuongmai University” 
(2) In the presentation titled “So that students of Human Resources achieve early success in career”, Nguyễn Thị Nam Phương, MA. analyzed the development of the human resources career, the features, role and requirement of the career, the practical operation of HR function in enterprises, and suggestions to narrow the gap between HR major’s learning outcomes and enterprises’ standards.  
 (3) Dr. Nguyễn Đức Thuận believed that the training program need aim to provide HR practitioners who are both professional and ethical with long-term vision, creative thinking, skills and knowledge of economics and business administration, and deep understanding of human psychology, etc.
 Topic 2: Teaching-learning methods and learner assessment
(1) Prof/A. Dr. Trần Văn Trang delivered the presentation “A talk on active teaching and its application in subjects of HR major”. He mentioned the use of 4 active teaching methods (class lectures, case studies, games, and learning by doing) and how these methods help to develop learner ability. 
(2) Bùi Thị Mỹ Linh, student of K55U4 expressed the learner’s viewpoint of the teaching methods adopted in HR training, thus making several suggestions to teachers, learners, and the University in ensuring conditions to support students. 
 Topic 3: Connecting the University and enterprises in training
 (1) Đoàn Văn Tình, MA. presented on “Several issues of cooperation between the university and the enterprise”. The presentation clarified the trend and the necessity of cooperation between universities and enterprises to improve the training quality and suggest solutions to improving cooperation. 
 (2) Phan Thị Hạ, MA., member of the Executive Board of Giao hang tiet kiem JSC, former student of K46U2 discussed the role and activities of the society of former students of HR in training and career orientation assistance.
Cuối cùng, GS / A. TS Nguyễn Thị Minh Nhàn đại diện ban tổ chức tổng kết và bế mạc hội nghị. Bản tóm tắt cho rằng các bài báo, tham luận và thảo luận tại Hội nghị đã góp phần cung cấp cái nhìn tổng quan và góp ý cho Khoa Quản trị Nhân sự và Trường Đại học Thương mại Hà Nội trong việc đổi mới chương trình đào tạo, nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo chuyên ngành Nhân sự, hiện thực hóa triết lý giáo dục của Khoa, và đóng góp vào sự phát triển của Đại học Thuongmai - nơi khởi đầu tương lai. 
Hội nghị chuyên đề:
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